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Professor in Cultural Studies, Communication & Media, Middlesex University

Feona's research is in: sex in contemporary culture, particularly in sexual cultures; new technologies, identity and the body; and controversial media. Her recent publications have focused on online sexual cultures, aesthetics, sex and the media, and public engagement. She is the co-editor of the journal Sexualities and founding co-editor of the journal Porn Studies.

Feona has received grants from the AHRC, JISC, British Academy, Wellcome Trust, and ESRC. She has organised a number of events as part of the Onscenity research network which she co-ordinates, including an international conference, Sexual Cultures, in 2012. She is a member of the AHRC Peer Review Committee.

Feona is working on a number of research projects including an AHRC Fellowship project on the sexualisation debates, a large-scale study of porn audiences, and a small-scale study of young people and 'sexting'. She was Program Chair of the Association of Internet Researchers' Conference,Technologies at the University of Salford in 2012. She co-ordinates a seminar group on public engagement and sexualisation for the Wellcome Trust and is working with the group 'Sense about Sex' to develop this work further.


  • –present
    Professor in Cultural Studies, Communication & Media, Middlesex University


  • 2009 
    Sheffield Hallam University, PhD