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Profesor de Historia de la Filosofía en la Modernidad. Director del Instituto de Estudios de Ocio, Universidad de Deusto

Fernando Bayón (Bilbao, 1971)
I earned my PhD in Philosophy from the University of Deusto (2002), where I work actually as senior research fellow at the Institute of Leisure Studies. I have been a visiting scholar at the Universities of Tübingen and Heidelberg (Germany), ETH-Zürich (CH), Cambridge (UK), Princeton (USA) and Yale (USA), and a postdoctoral fellow for six years at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in Madrid. I held various guest professorships in universities in Europe and Latin America, inter alia at the universities of UNAM-México D. F., TEC-Monterrey, Fordham University NYC (USA), CRASSH-Cambridge University (UK), Bologna and Siena (Italy). I have been co-editor of several monographs for JCR publications and author of over 100 indexed scientific papers, among them “The rhetorics of Audience. The space of arts consumption as political construction” (ARBOR-CSIC, 2012). In the last ten years, I have assumed responsibility for research coordination of a number of projects financed through competitive calls –national and international: “Imagineering urban spaces in waterfronts: Bilbao, Barcelona, New York” (University of Deusto in collaboration with Fordham Univ., New York City); “Traditions of citizenship: the narrative construction of political identities in Europe” (Spanish National Research Council + Cambridge University); “Playing identities: cultural memory between the narrative construction and the iconic turn” (with CSIC-Madrid); “Creativity Peer Reviewing: exchanging producers and artists across Europe for evaluating Cultural Industries´ impact on human development” (Institute of Leisure Studies-Bilbao + ENCATC), to name but a few. My research interests lie at the intersection of Philosophy of Art, Cultural Narratives and the Critical Analysis of the Artistic languages in the politic space in the late Modernity -paying special attention to contemporary architecture, European and American literature, musical drama, Opera and audiovisuals-, that go further that just the aesthetic consideration to enquire in the historical and political performances, specially the influence on social memory frameworks. My books (“La prohibición del amor. Sujeto, cultura y forma artistic en Thomas Mann”, Barcelona, Anthropos, 2004 and “Filosofía y Leyenda: variaciones sobre la última modernidad de Tolstói a Musil”, Anthropos, 2009) have been reviewed in a range of scholarly journals as well as the press.


  • –present
    Profesor de Historia de la Filosofía en la Modernidad. Director del Instituto de Estudios de Ocio., Universidad de Deusto


  • 2002 
    Universidad de Deusto, Doctor en Filosofía