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Associate Professor, University of East Anglia

Gareth Edwards is an Associate Professor in the School of International Development at the University of East Anglia. His research focusses on understanding and theorizing justice in the context of environmental governance dilemmas. In 2021-22 Gareth is a Visiting Fellow at the Sydney Environment Institute as part of his Leverhulme International Fellowship, which examines how justice arguments are mobilised in discussions about coal’s future in Australia and India, particularly by those supportive of ongoing coal extraction. He has been leading the British Academy-funded project ‘A just transition away from coal in Australia’ which seeks to understand how ‘just transition’ is understood in Australia, the challenges Australia will have to overcome to achieve a just transition, and the opportunities for reframing just transition ideas in ways which stimulate productive discussions between different stakeholders and communities.


  • 2018–present
    Senior Lecturer / Associate Professor, University of East Anglia
  • 2014–2018
    Lecturer in Environment & Development, University of East Anglia


  • 2011 
    University of Sydney, PhD