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Gavin Phillipson

Professor of Law, Durham University

Gavin Phillipson has held a Chair in Law at the University of Durham since January 2007; he is also a qualified solicitor and has been a Senior Fellow at the University of Melbourne. His research interests lie in the fields of European and UK human rights law, especially freedom of expression and in particular the interface of those fields with public law and constitutional and political theory. Particular areas of interest include: counter-terrorism law; ‘horizontal effect’ under the Human Rights Act; privacy, libel, hate speech and pornography; public protest and direct action; House of Lords reform. He has written widely in these areas in top UK, US and Canadian journals, including the Modern Law Review, Law Quarterly Review, Current Legal Problems, Public Law and recently in leading US and Canadian journals. He has published three books, including, with Helen Fenwick, Media Freedom under the Human Rights Act (2006, OUP), a comparative and theoretically-informed treatment of areas of UK media law (favourably reviewed (2007) Public 852-855). A fourth - Debating Hate Speech (with Eric Heinze, Hart) - is forthcoming in 2015.


  • 2007–present
    Chair in Law, Durham University