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Professor in Health and Social Care Improvement and Implementation Science, Health and Social Care Unit, Monash University, Monash University

Helen Skouteris is a developmental psychologist and the Monash Warwick Alliance Professor of Health and Social Care Improvement and Implementation Science and Director, Health and Social Care Unit, Monash University. Helen is focused on establishing long term collaborative research and education/training programs in health and social care improvement, implementation science/health and community services research.

Helen has a strong track record in longitudinal multi-factorial research, randomised controlled trials, implementation research and higher degree research supervision. Her research since 2010 has predominantly focused on maternal/parental and child health and well-being, and on health, social service and educational sector improvement that translates to better health outcomes for children, young people, adults and families and is critical to transforming policy across these sectors. The Health and Social Care Unit that Helen leads is focused of fostering and promoting health equity across the lifespan, including ageing and aged care.


  • –present
    Professor in Healthcare Improvement and Implementation Science , Monash University


  • 1997 
    La Trobe University, PhD/Psychology