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Indra Rudiansyah

DPhil Student at Jenner Institute, Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine (NDM), University of Oxford

Indra is a DPhil student at Jenner Institute, Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Oxford.

After finishing his undergraduate in microbiology (2013) from Bandung Institute of Technology in Indonesia (ITB), Indra completed his masterdegree in biotechnology through a fast-track program in 2014. He then joined as a researcher in Bio Farma, a vaccine industry in Indonesia, for 4 years before he starts his DPhil.

During his professional career, he involved in the process development of rotavirus and novel oral polio vaccine in collaboration with BMGF and PATH. Now, his research focuses on the development of the pre-erythrocytic malaria vaccine, using chimpanzee adenovirus as a viral vector.


  • 2018–present
    DPhil Student, Jenner Institute, University of Oxford
  • 2014–2018
    Research scientist, Bio Farma


  • 2022 
    Jenner Institute, University of Oxford, DPhil in Clinical Medicine
  • 2014 
    Bandung, Institute of Technology, Master Degree in Biotechnology
  • 2013 
    Bandung, Institute of Technology, Bachelor degree in Microbiology