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Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso

Professor in Economics, Universitat Jaume I

Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso is Professor at the Universities of Göttingen(Germany) and at Jaume I (Spain). She obtained her PhD in Economics from the University of Birmingham (England) in 1998. She has extensive teaching experience in several bachelor and master programs at the Universities of Birmingham, Valencia and Nottingham and has been actively engaged in building and managing international networks. Currently, she chairs the cluster in Social Sciences, Economics and Law of the Enlight Consortium, and is a member of the steering committees of the Center for Global Migration Studies and the CliMigHealth Network, as well as a board member of INFER.


  • –present
    Professor in Economics, Universitat Jaume I


  • 1998 
    University of Birmingham, PhD/Economics