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Reader in English Literature, University of Huddersfield

Jodie researches nineteenth-century representations and experiences of people who travelled around Britain (including Romanies/Gypsies and canal boat people), and the cultural significance of Britain's industrial waterways. In 2016 she was appointed the Canal & River Trust’s first Honorary Research Fellow. You can watch a YouTube video about Jodie’s research on canal boat people. She strongly believes in communicating academic research to wide audiences, and works with charities, museums and heritage organisations, schools and others.

If you are from a school or college and would like to speak to Jodie about a campus visit, Extended Project Qualification, or university taster sessions, please email

Research Expertise and Interests:

Representations of Gypsies, Roma or Travellers, especially in the nineteenth century
Waterways and their cultures
Race, gender and identity in the nineteenth century
Travel in the nineteenth century


  • –present
    Reader in English Literature, University of Huddersfield