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Researcher in Digital Inequality, Sheffield Hallam University

Dr Joseph Chambers is a Research Associate at CRESR. He specialises in urban and economic geography, with a focus on the integration of ICT within urban environments. His research spans a range of areas including digital inequalities, digital geographies, theories of infrastructure, energy networks, postcolonial urbanism and urban informality. More recently, his research has focussed on the consequences of digital exclusion for vulnerable energy users.

Joseph is primarily a qualitative researcher, focusing on vulnerable groups and the everyday processes that shape society and cities. In recent years, Joseph has carried out contract and academic work for a variety of organisations including UK Government, local authorities, technology companies, charities and NGOs. Joseph’s PhD research focussed on smart urbanism and urban informality, exploring the consequences of ICT’s integration within the infrastructural networks of Nairobi’s informal settlements.


  • 2021–2021
    Research Associate , Centre for Regional, Economic and Social Research