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PhD Candidate, Early Modern History, McMaster University

Justin Vovk is a PhD Candidate and SSHRC Doctoral Fellow in early modern history at McMaster University. His dissertation, "Courting Death: Reconceptualizing Aulic Authority in Habsburg and British Royal Funerals, 1694-1780," examines the role of courts in the pomp and pageantry of royal funerals. Justin is an expert in European royal history and has been interviewed by numerous media outlets, including CBC, CTV, Global News, CHCH, CFRA 580 Ottawa, CKLW AM 800 Ottawa, AM 1100 Kelowna, and 610 CKTB Toronto. He is also a regular commentator for CBC's "The Royal Fascinator." His expertise focuses on the ceremonies and rituals of monarchy, particularly funerals and coronations, and their applicability to our modern world.


  • –present
    PhD Candidate, Early Modern History, McMaster University


  • 2017 
    McMaster University, Master's Degree