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Karolina Wysoczanska

One of the most significant developments in the global energy markets in the last several years has been China and India’s rapidly growing demand for energy. Both pose to constitute much of the growth in energy demand in the world.

As both countries are integrated in the world economy, energy policy and major oil corporations in China or India will have considerable ramifications for international politics and the world energy market. Thus, understanding of China and India’s domestic energy structure is essential in order to interpret both countries’ behavior in their hunt for oil.

This study will attempt to examine how the changing structures of the domestic energy demand and production and the role of institutions including governmental regulations and policy, as well as the changing pattern of elite's opinion and the influence of the international system impact the entrepreneurial behavior of Chinese and Indian oil companies abroad. It will also explore briefly the international implications of Chinese and Indian oil quests abroad.

The analysis will require the collection of data through interviews and from secondary sources. First, data will be collected through personal interviews with representatives of Chinese and Indian oil companies, Indian government officials and scholars from government and non-government institutions. Second, secondary data will be collected from academic articles, journals, books and data published by international agencies like OECD or IEA as well as relevant ministries.

Several methods will be used to collect primary data. Then, on the basis of the aforementioned data the aforementioned issues will be investigated. A particular emphasis will be on the interaction between the government and major oil corporations and between domestic and international political and economic factors.

Selected Recent Publications
“Sino-Indian co-operation in Africa: Joint efforts in the oil sector”, Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 29, 2 (2010), 193.


  • –present
    PhD Student, University of Nottingham