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Director, Designing Out Crime Research Centre, University of Technology Sydney

Kees Dorst trained as an industrial design engineer at Delft University of Technology. He has worked as a product designer for various design firms and, as a researcher, he has studied the ways in which designers work. He has published numerous articles and four books – most recently Design Expertise (2009), with Bryan Lawson.

Kees is passionate about designing and understanding the workings of design. His research focuses on creating new understandings in the area between design, philosophy and the business sciences. Currently he is writing a book about the application of design practices beyond the confines of the traditional design disciplines.

Academic Design
Design Expertise
Teaching areas
Design Studies (UG & PG)
Design research (UG & PG)
Research interests
Academic Design
Design Expertise
Design education

Research supervision: Yes

Supervision: All levels


Lawson, B. & Dorst, K. 2009, Design Expertise, First, Architectural Press (Elsevier), Oxford, UK.
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Dorst, K. 2006, Understanding Design, 1, Bis Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
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Dorst, K., Achten, H.H., Stappers, P. & de Vries, B. 2005, Design Research in the Netherlands, Faculteit Bouwkunde, Eindhoven.

Dorst, K. 1997, Describing Design - A Comparison of Paradigms, Delft University Press, Delft, The Netherlands.

Dorst, K., Cross, N. & Christiaans, H. 1996, Analysing Design Activity, Wiley, Chichester, UK.

Dorst, K., Cross, N. & Roozenburg, N. 1992, Research In Design Thinking, Delft University Press, Delft, The Netherlands.

Book Chapters
Reymen, I., Dorst, K. & Smulders, F. 2009, 'Co-Evolution in Design Practice' in Janet McDonnell & Peter Lloyd (eds), About: Designing - Analysing Design Meetings, CRC Press, Leiden, the Netherlands, pp. 67-82.
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Dorst, K. 2009, 'Design Intelligence' in Sharon Poggenpohl & Keiichi Sato (eds), Design Integrations: Research and Collaboration, Intellect Books, Bristol, Chicago, pp. 277-293.
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Dorst, K. & van Overveld, K. 2009, 'Typologies of Design Practice' in Anthonie Meijers (ed), Philosophy of Technology and Engineering Science, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 455-487.
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Dorst, K. & Christiaans, H. 2007, 'An empirical study into design thinking.' in Cross, N.G., Dorst, C.H. and Roozenberg, N.F.M. (eds), Research in Design Thinking, Delft University Press, Delft.

Dorst, K. 2007, 'But, is it art?' in Coles, A. (eds), Design and Art, Whitechapel Ventures Limited, London, UK, pp. 10-18.

Dorst, K. & Cross, N. 2007, 'Co-evolution of Problem and Solution Spaces in Creative Design' in Gero, J. Maher, M.L. (eds), Computational Models of Creative Design, Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition, University of Sydney, Sydney.

Dorst, K. 2007, 'The Problem of the Design Problem' in Cross, N.G. Edmonds, E. (eds), Expertise in Design - Design Thinking Research Symposium 6, Creativity and Cognition Studios Press, Sydney.

Dorst, K. & Hendriks, D. 2007, 'The role of the design context in practice and in design methodology.' in Lloyd, P. Christiaans, H.H.C.M. (eds), Designing in Context, Delft University Presss, Delft, pp. 345-360.

Dorst, K., Stappers, P., de Vries, B. & Achten, H.H. 2005, 'A decade of Design Research in the Netherlands' in Henri Achten, Kees Dorst, Pieter Jan Stappers, Bauke de Vries (eds), Design Research in the Netherlands, Faculteit Bouwkunde, Eindhoven, pp. i-vii.

Dorst, K. & Roozenburg, N. 1998, 'Describing design as a reflective practice: observations on Schon's theory of practice.' in Frankeenberger, E., Badke-Schaub, P., Birkhofer, H. (eds), Designers: The key to successful product development., Springer, London, pp. 0-0.

Dorst, K. 1995, 'The Design Methodology Group at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering' in Design Research in the Netherlands, Faculteit Bouwkunde, Eindhoven.

Journal Articles
Paton, B. & Dorst, K. 2011, 'Briefing And Reframing: A Situated Practice', Design Studies, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 573-587.
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Dorst, K. 2011, 'The Core Of 'design Thinking' And Its Application', Design Studies, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 521-532.
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Dorst, K. 2008, 'Design Research: A revolution-waiting-to-happen', Design Studies, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 4-11.
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Smulders, F., Lousberg, L. & Dorst, K. 2008, 'Towards different communications in collaborative design', International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 352-367.
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Dorst, K. 2007, 'Building For The Visual Age', Building Research And Information, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 581-583.
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Vermaas, P.E. & Dorst, K. 2007, 'On the conceptual framework of John Gero's FBS-model and the prescriptive aims of design methodology', Design Studies, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 133-157.
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Dorst, K. 2007, 'The Designer of the Future', Items, vol. Sept/Oct.

Dorst, K. 2006, 'Design Problems and Design Paradoxes', Design Issues, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 4-17.
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Dorst, K. & Royakkers, L. 2006, 'The design analogy a model for moral problem solving', Design Studies, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 633-656.
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Dorst, K. 2005, 'Dutch Design as a Mirage', BNO Vormberichten, vol. Dec/Jan.

Dorst, K. 2005, 'Flying Lightness', Items, vol. june/july, no. 3, pp. 98-98.

Dorst, K. 2005, 'Good for a Story', BNO Vormberichten, vol. March.

Dorst, K. 2005, 'Good for a Story', BNO Vormberichten, vol. March.

Dorst, K. & Vermaas, P.E. 2005, 'John Gero's Function-Behaviour-Structure Model of Designing: A Critical Analysis.', Research In Engineering Design, vol. 16, no. 1-2, pp. 17-26.
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Dorst, K. 2005, 'The Average Design School', BNO Vormberichten, vol. February.

Dorst, K. 2004, 'Behaviour design in three days', Items, vol. June, no. 2, pp. 40-41.

Dorst, K. 2004, 'Craving for the future', Craving for the future, vol. Jul/Aug, no. 3, pp. 98-98.

Dorst, K. 2004, 'Design History without the Passion', Design history without the passion, vol. June, no. 2, pp. 98-98.

Dorst, K. 2004, 'Designers as Therapists', BNO Vormberichten, vol. March.

Dorst, K. 2004, 'From Home Market to Design Culture', BNO Vormberichten, vol. February.

Dorst, K. 2004, 'IDEO Method Cards', Items, vol. Mar/Apr, no. 1, pp. 40-43.

Dorst, K. 2004, 'In Praise of Shadows', Items, vol. Sept/Oct, no. 4, pp. 100-100.

Dorst, K. 2004, 'Intense, transparet & captivating', BNO Vormberichten, vol. Jul/Aug.

Dorst, K. 2004, 'Items', Nuits Blanches, vol. Sept/Oct, no. 4, pp. 17-17.

Dorst, K. 2004, 'Pitches from Hell', BNO Vormberichten, vol. September.

Dorst, K. 2004, 'Technology looking for form', Items, vol. Mar/Apr, no. 1, pp. 104-104.

Dorst, K. 2004, 'The Art of Getting Your Way', BNO Vormberichten, vol. November.

Dorst, K. 2004, 'The Declining Value of a Designer', BNO Vormberichten, vol. April.

Dorst, K. 2004, 'The Designer and the Pyramid', BNO Vormberichten, vol. October.

Dorst, K. 2004, 'The Evolution of the Designer', BNO Vormberichten, vol. June.

Dorst, K. 2004, 'The Problem of Design Problems - Problem Solving and Design Expertise', Journal of Design Research, vol. 4, no. 2.

Dorst, K. 2004, 'The Schism between Education and Practice', BNO Vormberichten, vol. May.

Dorst, K. 2003, 'Again in Search of Relevance', BNO Vormberichten, vol. October.

Dorst, K. 2003, 'Change or Die', BNO Vormberichten, vol. November.

Dorst, K. 2003, 'Conceptual Thinking', Items, vol. Nov, no. 5, pp. 101-101.

Dorst, K., Smulders, F., Gubi, E. & Boer, H. 2003, 'Configuations of NPD - Production interfaces and interface integration mechanisms', Creativity and Innovation Management, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 62-73.

Dorst, K. 2003, 'Design Rats (Designratten)', BNO Vormberichten, vol. September.

Dorst, K. 2003, 'Family Resemblance (Familietrekjes)', BNO Vormberichten, vol. June.

Dorst, K. 2003, 'Fundamentally oriented towards practice (Fundamenteel praktijkgericht)', BNO Vormberichten, vol. Jul/Aug.

Dorst, K. 2003, 'Materials and Design', Items, vol. March.

Dorst, K. 2003, 'Metaphors for Design (Metaforen voor ontwerpen)', BNO Vormberichten, vol. March.

Dorst, K. 2003, 'Platypus (De ontwerper als vogelbekdier)', BNO Vormberichten, vol. April.

Dorst, K. 2003, 'The Bachelor Master Revolution', Items, vol. Nov.

Dorst, K. 2003, 'The Cult of the Concept', BNO Vormberichten, vol. Dec/Jan04.

Dorst, K. 2003, 'The Current Revolution (De revolutie van nu)', BNO Vormberichten, vol. Dec/Jan.

Dorst, K. 2003, 'The Designing State (De ontwerpende overheid)', BNO Vormberichten, vol. February.

Dorst, K. 2003, 'Thinking about Design (Denken over ontwerpen)', BNO Vormberichten, vol. May.

Dorst, K. 2002, '2001 Building for Space Travel', Items, vol. Jul/Aug, no. 3, pp. 95-95.

Dorst, K. 2002, 'Cloaked Happenings', Items, vol. Nov/Dec.

Houkes, W.N., Vermaas, P.E., Dorst, K. & de Vries, M.J. 2002, 'Design and use as plans an action-theoretical account', Design Studies, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 303-320.
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Dorst, K. 2002, 'Design at the Highest Level (Ontwerpen op niveau)', BNO Vormberichten, vol. September.

Dorst, K. 2002, 'Design at the University', Items, vol. Sept/Oct.

Dorst, K. 2002, 'Dream Projects', Items, vol. Jul/Aug.

Dorst, K. 2002, 'Fixation (Fixatie)', BNO Vormberichten, vol. May.

Dorst, K. 2002, 'Hester van Eeghen. The Bag is the Person', Items, vol. Mar/Apr, no. 2, pp. 64-71.

Dorst, K. 2002, 'Kathalys - Vision on Sustainable Product Innovation', Items, vol. Mar/Apr.

Dorst, K. 2002, 'Mediated Design and Mediocre Diocre Design (Middel matig ontwerpen)', BNO Vormberichten, vol. Jul/Aug.

Dorst, K. 2002, 'New Kids on the Block', Items, vol. Nov/Dec, no. 2, pp. 72-73.

Dorst, K. 2002, 'New! Design Managers! (Nieuw! Design Managers!)', BNO Vormberichten, vol. June.

Dorst, K. 2002, 'O2: Design for a new world', Items, vol. Jul/Aug, no. 4, pp. 28-29.

Dorst, K. 2002, 'ORGACOM. Art as a Reflection of Company Culture', Items, vol. January.

Dorst, K. 2002, 'Product Magic', Items, vol. Sept/Oct, no. 3, pp. 54-57.

Dorst, K. 2002, 'Survival of the Fittest', BNO Vormberichten, vol. November.

Dorst, K. 2002, 'Too Quiet (Te rustig)', BNO Vormberichten, vol. April.

Dorst, K. 2002, 'What is the Use of Designers (Wat heb je eigenlijk aan ontwerers?)', BNO Vormberichten, vol. March.

Dorst, K. 2001, '72 dpi', Items, vol. April.

Dorst, K. 2001, 'Colour/Process Colour Manual Items', Items, vol. Jul/Aug.

Dorst, K. & Cross, N. 2001, 'Creativity in the design process: co-evolution of problem solution', Design Studies, vol. 22, pp. 425-437.
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Dorst, K. 2001, 'Flirt', Items, vol. February.

Dorst, K. 2001, 'Funlab - The experience economy is coming your way', Items, vol. April.

Dorst, K. 2001, 'Handbuch Material Technologie', Items, vol. February.

Dorst, K. 2001, 'Industrial Design Delft: Towards a Broad Curriculum for Specialists', Items, vol. Nov/Dec.

Dorst, K. 2001, 'PARK Strategic Design', Items, vol. Jul/Aug.

Dorst, K. 2001, 'Ron Arad', Items, vol. Jul/Aug.

Dorst, K. 2001, 'Sears, Roebuck & Company', Items, vol. Sept/Oct.

Dorst, K. 2001, 'The Total Beauty of Sustainable Products', Items, vol. Sept/Oct.

Dorst, K. 2001, 'YD+1', Items, vol. Jul/Aug.

Dorst, K. & Valkenburg, A. 1998, 'The reflective practice of design teams', Design Studies, vol. 19, no. 3.

Dorst, K. 1995, 'Analysing Design Activity: New directions in protocol analysis', Design Studies, vol. 16, no. 2.

Dorst, K. & Dijkhuis, J. 1995, 'Comparing paradigms for describing design activity', Design Studies, vol. 16, no. 2.

Dorst, K., Christiaans, H. & Cross, N. 1994, 'Design Expertise Amongst Student Designers', Journal of Art and Design Education, vol. 13.

Conference Papers
Harkema, C., Luyk, I., Dorst, K. & Brombacher, A. 2011, 'Can existing usability techniques prevent tomorrow's usability problems?', ICED, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2011 in Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED11), Vol. 10, ed Culley, S.J.; Hicks, B.J.; McAloone, T.C.; Howard, T.J. & Dong, A., The Design Society, Scotland, UK, pp. 1-10.
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Dorst, K. & Tietz, C.R. 2011, 'Design Thinking and Analysis: A case study in design for social wellbeing', 3rd International Conference on Research into Design, ICoRD'11, India Institute of Science, Bangalore, January 2011 in ICORD 11: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Research into Design Engineering, Bangalore, India, 10.-12.01.2011, ed Chakrabarti, A., Research Publishing, Bangalore, India, pp. 1-10.
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Dorst, K. & Hansen, C. 2011, 'Modeling paradoxes in novice and expert design', ICED 11 - 18th International Conference on Engineering Design - Impacting Society Through Engineering Design, Copenhagen, August 2011 in Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering Design : Impacting society through engineering design, Design society, Denmark, pp. 142-150.

Sadokierski, Z.A. & Dorst, K. 2011, 'Using design thinking an an analytical research tool', Doctoral Education in Design Conference, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, May 2011 in Doctoral Education in Design Conference: Pre-Conference Proceedings, ed Friedman, Ken; Justine, Lorriane, DEDC, Hong Kong.

Paton, R.J. & Dorst, K. 2010, 'Briefing and Reframing', Design Thinking Research Symposium, Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building, University of Technology, Sydney, October 2010 in DTRS8 Interpreting Design Thinking: Procedings of the 8th Design Thinking Research Symposium, ed Dorst, K., Stewart S., Staudinger, I., Paton, B., Dong, A., DAB documents, Sydney, Australia, pp. 317-335.
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Dorst, K. 2010, 'Design Thinking at large', ConnectED: International Conference on Design Education, Sydney, Australia, June 2010 in ConnectED: International Conference on Design at Sydney, ed -, University of New South Wales,, p. np.

Dorst, K., Stewart, S.C., Staudinger, I.I., Paton, R.J. & Dong, A. 2010, 'Proceedings of the 8th Design Thinking Research Symposium (DTRS8)', Design Thinking Research Symposium 8, University of Technology, Sydney, October 2010 in Interpreting Design Thinking, ed Dorst, K., Staudinger, I., Paton, B., Dong, A., DAB documents, Sydney, pp. 1-426.

Dorst, K. 2010, 'The Nature of Design Thinking', Design Thinking Research Symposium, Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building, University of Technology, Sydney, October 2010 in DTRS8 Interpreting Design Thinking: Design Thinking Research Symposium Proceedings, ed Dorst, K., Stewart, S., Staudinger, I., Paton, B., Dong, A., DAB Documents, Sydney, Australia, pp. 131-139.
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Dorst, K. 2009, 'Layers of Design: Understanding Design Practice', International Association of Societies of Design Research, Coex, Seoul, Korea, October 2009 in International Association of Societies of Design Research, ed not known, International Association of Societies of Design Research, Seoul, Korea, pp. 157-166.
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Smulders, F., Reyman, I. & Dorst, K. 2009, 'Modelling Co-Evolution in Design Practice', International Conference on Engineering Design, Stanford University, August 2009 in International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), The Design Society, ed NA, The 17th International Conference on Engineering Design, Stanford, USA, pp. 2-335-2-346.
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Hansen, C.T., Dorst, K. & Andreasen, M.M. 2009, 'Problem Formulation as a Discursive Design Activity', International Conference on Engineering Design, Stanford, USA, August 2009 in International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), The Design Society, ed NA, ICED'09, Stanford, USA, pp. 1-145-1-156.
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Masse, S.J. & Dorst, K. 2007, 'Exploring the development process of grassroots social entrepreneurship', ISERC, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2007 in International Social Entrepreneurship Research Conference 3, ed Hockerts, K., Mair, J., Robinson, J., Center for Corporate Values and Responsibility (CVR), Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 1-24.
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Smulders, F. & Dorst, K. 2007, 'Towards a Co-Evolution Model of the NPD-Manufacturing Interface', International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), The Design Society, Paris, France, August 2007 in International Conference on Engineering Design, ed N.a, Ecole Centrale Paris, Paris, France, pp. 1-12.

Maase, S.J. & Dorst, K. 2006, 'Co-creation - a way to reach sustainable innovation?', Score! workshop on sustainable consumption patterns, Copenhagen, Denmark, April 2006 in Proceedings of the Score! workshop on sustainable consumption patterns, ed Andersen, M. Tukker, A., RISO/TNO, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 295-310.

Tomkin, D.F. & Dorst, K. 2006, 'Educating creative professionals - experiences from the east and west', Creativity and Design Conference, Hong Kong, November 2006 in DesignEd Asia, n/a, Hong Kong, pp. n/a-n/a.

Dorst, K. 2005, 'Studying Design Problems', Research Design in the Netherlands, Eindhoven, May 2005 in Design Research in the Netherlands, ed Achten, H., Dorst, K., Stappers, P>and deVries, B., Faculteit Bouwkunde, Eindhoven.

Dorst, K., Reymen, I. & Whyte, J. 2005, 'Users, Designers and Dilemas of Expertise', Include 2005, London, April 2005 in Include 2005, ed N/A, Royal College of Art, London.

Dorst, K. 2004, 'Investigating the nature and development of design expertise.', Melbourne, November 2004 in Proceeding of the FutureGround Conference, ed n/a, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.

Dorst, K. & Reymen, I. 2004, 'Levels of expertise in design education', INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING AND PRODUCT DESIGN EDUCATION CONFERENCE, Delft, September 2004 in The changing face of design education, proceedings of the 2nd International Engineering and Product Design Education Conference, ed Lloyd, P., Delft University Press, Delft, The Netherlands, pp. 1-8.

Dorst, K. 2003, 'Exploring the Structure of Design Problems', International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), The Design Society, Stockholm, Sweden, August 2003 in International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), The Design Society, ed Klas Gralen, KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden.

Original Creative Works
Dorst, K. 2010, 'Renku - the art of visual reframing', Renku - the art of visual reframing, DAB LAB.

Other research activity
Heffer, C., Dorst, K., Shepherd, R., Williamson, L., Carnie, B.W., Trouton, L. 2007, 'Lace: contemporary textiles exhibition and new works', Lace: contemporary textiles exhibition and new works, DAB DOCS, Sydney, pp. 1-46.
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  • 2006–2016
    Professor of Design Innovation, University of Technology Sydney