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Kristine Garroway

Dr. Garroway was appointed Visiting Assistant Professor of Bible at the HUC-JIR Jack H. Skirball Campus in 2011. Her scholarly interests include the status of children in the ancient Near East, Deuteronomistic Histories, Former Prophets, feminist and gender studies, and archaeology. Before coming to Los Angeles, Dr. Garroway received her doctorate in Hebrew Bible and Cognate Studies at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati in 2009. Prior to completing her degree she spent time studying and researching in Israel and has participated in excavations at Ashkelon, Tel Dor, and Tel Dan. She currently resides in Pasadena with her husband and three boys.

She is the author of two monographs on children in the ancient world (Children in the Ancient Near Eastern Household, 2014 Eisenbrauns) (Growing Up in Ancient Israel, 2018, SBL) as well as many scholarly articles on the topic. She is a regular contributor to, where she provides child centered biblical commentary on the Torah.