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Lauren Carroll Harris

PhD candidate, Australian national cinema and film distribution, UNSW Sydney

'Not at a Cinema Near You: Australia's Film Distribution Problem', Platform Papers, no.37 (Sydney: Currency House), 2013

Recently cited in:
"Trackside carnival, Aussie flicks and the box office bogey," ABC Radio National The List, 8 November, 2013
"Renewed calls to shake up release windows,", 8 November, 2013.
"The real reason Australian films flop," ABC Radio National, Breakfast with Fran Kelly, 8 November, 2013
"Ian Robertson: plants his own flag in the taxation sands," Screen Hub, 8 November 2013
"Cinemas give Australian movie releases the flick," SMH, 2 November, 2013
"The price of admission: ticketing strategies for Oz films," SBS Online, 1 November, 2013
"Bespoke movies resist cinema's curtain call," The Australian, 30 October, 2013
"The case for a new distribution model,", 23 October, 2013


  • –present
    PhD candidate, Australian national cinema and film distribution, University of New South Wales


  • 2012 
    UNSW, BA (Hons 1), BFA