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Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences, University of Plymouth

I have 12 years of experience in the fields of environmental and medical microbiology, parasitology and biochemistry. My PhD thesis examined the role inorganic sulfur oxidation had on bacterial physiology, biochemistry and biogeochemistry. I have been a lecturer in Biomedical Sciences for 4 years where I teach foundation to maters level, predominately in the fields of microbiology and parasitology.

My research interests include novel antimicrobial discovery from hot springs and the biology and pathology of the intestinal parasite Giardia intestinalis. I am currently collaborating with The Roman Baths (Bath, UK) studying the microbiology and antimicrobial potential of this unique site, with a PhD student starting on this project in October 2024.


  • –present
    Lecturer, Biomedicine, University of Plymouth