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Professor of Biogeography, Auckland University of Technology

Len Gillman is Head of Science at Auckland University of Technology and a professor of biogeography. His research interests include polar ecology, plant ecology, global patterns in primary productivity and species richness, environmental influences on rates of genetic evolution, and conservation.

He has published in international journals including; PNAS, Molecular Biology and Evolution, Global Ecology and Biogeography, Proceedings of the Royal Society, Ecology, Evolution, and Frontiers in Plant Science.

He has used drones for ecological and conservation research in Antarctica, Namibia, and Western Australia, and has field experience in environments from the Arctic to Antarctic and from tropical rainforests to tropical deserts.

Prior to joining AUT, Len Gillman worked as a campaign manager for a New Zealand conservation organisation, he has an interest in the synergy between Art and Science and has published a YA grounded fantasy novel.


  • –present
    Head of School of Science, Auckland University of Technology


  • 2001 
    University of Auckland, PhD (ecology)