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Postdoctoral Researcher in English Literature, University of Oxford

Dr Lillian Hingley is a postdoctoral researcher and stipendiary lecturer in English Literature at the University of Oxford. In addition to teaching undergraduate and graduate courses on anglophone literature from the Romantic period to the present, she is currently preparing her first monograph on the philosopher Theodor Adorno’s engagement with anglophone writers. She has published articles in leading journals such as Studies in American Jewish Literature, Notes & Queries, Telos, and Journal of Modern Literature, as well as reviews in Irish Studies Review, James Joyce Quarterly, The Beckett Circle, and Notes & Queries. Before her current position, she worked as a lecturer at the University of Warwick’s Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies and as an RAI Fellow at the Rothermere American Institute.

After earning her BA and MA in English Literature from the University of Warwick, she completed her DPhil English thesis ‘Theodor Adorno and Anglophone Modernist Literature’ as the Hertford College – Faculty of English DPhil Scholar in Irish Literature. At Oxford, she has held various academic positions, including: convenor of the Oxford English Faculty’s Modern and Contemporary Seminar, PI of the Oxford Critical Theory Network, and RAI Fellow at the Rothermere American Institute. When she’s not in Oxford, she’s probably reading – with a mocha – in Manchester, her beloved home city.


  • –present
    Postdoctoral Researcher in English Literature, University of Oxford