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Louisa M. Holmes

Researcher of Geography, Penn State

I am a health geographer and demographer with training in public health and public policy. My research focuses on how place-based inequities produce and reinforce health disparities and how to alleviate those disparities. In my interdisciplinary work, I seek to understand contexts of health and place as foundational to perpetuating health disparities, as well as opportune for promoting health, through social engagement, built and natural environments, and multi-level policy infrastructures. In particular, I currently study neighborhood inequities and stress, and the potentials for urban planning strategies as means of mitigation; and substance use and landscapes of addiction using demographic, geospatial, and mixed research methods.

I have designed and implemented numerous studies involving primary data collection, including probabilistic household surveys of hard-to-reach populations, ecological momentary assessment studies, observational studies, and community-based participatory research projects.


  • –present
    Researcher of Geography, Penn State