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PhD Candidate, Institute for Social Policy Housing and Equalities Research, Heriot-Watt University

Lynne McMordie has worked in a variety of roles in the voluntary and community sectors for the past 15 years. Her primary interest is in homelessness and she has developed and managed a range of services intended to prevent and address rough sleeping, including: emergency accommodation, drop-in centre and street outreach services. She has worked extensively with marginalised adults, particularly in the areas of chronic homelessness, destitution and multiple exclusion.

More recently, Lynne has conducted qualitative research on the nature and design of temporary accommodation services in Belfast, their use by those who have experience of rough sleeping, and their impact and efficacy in resolving homelessness and associated support needs.

Lynne is currently completing a PhD with the Institute for Social Policy Housing and Equalities Research (I-SPHERE) at Heriot-Watt University, on the design, use and impacts of hostel accommodation models for homeless households in the United Kingdom and Ireland.


  • –present
    PhD Candidate, Heriot-Watt University