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Professeur de psychologie et de sciences de l'éducation, Université de Mons

Psychologist and statistician, Marc Demeuse is professor at the University of Mons (Belgium), in the department of psychology and educational sciences. He heads the schools Administration Institute and is involved in several projects and research networks at European level. He participated, in the capacity of expert, in producing the first European indicators for assessing school education quality (2000) and steered the development of a set of indicators of equity of education systems in Europe. A part of his research is given to targeted policies (ZEP, positive discrimination …), notably of a comparative nature. He has a role of expert in various commissions and steering committees of the French-speaking, Belgian education system (steering commission, continuing training for teachers).


  • –present
    Professeur de psychologie et de sciences de l'éducation, Université de Mons