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Marcos Voutsinos

PhD Candidate, Geomicrobiology, The University of Melbourne

I am currently a PhD student with the Moreau Geomicrobiology team at Melbourne University. My project involves using genome-resolved metagenomics to investigate the natural microbial communities involved in the breakdown of lanthanide phosphate minerals for the development of a rare earth element biomining strategy.

I previously worked as a molecular scientist for the Department of Primary Industry and Resources on the National Banana Freckle Eradication Program and the Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus Emergency Response.

I was awarded my honours degree from Charles Darwin University for my work with Menzies School of Health Research with the Melioidosis team on the molecular virulence and geographical determinants of Melioidosis. I obtained my bachelor’s degree in biotechnology and cell biology from La Trobe University.


  • –present
    Geomicrobiology, University of Melbourne


  • 2011 
    Charles Darwin and Menzies School of Health Research, Honours science degree/ Microbiology