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Post-Doctoral Research Assistant, Department of Physics, Aberystwyth University

Marianna Korsos is Post-Doctoral Research Assistant at Aberystwyth University. Her main scientific focus is on predicting the occurrence of large solar flares. This is a field which is of interest scientifically, since in predicting flares we can deduce their physical triggers and mechanisms, and has direct societal and economical impact.

She was awarded the 2015 Women in Science Excellence award from the Hungarian Academy of Science. She is a role model for young female scientists, and has a Diversity and Inclusion role in the European Astronomical Society. She is founding member of the Quo Vadis European Space Weather Community and Hungarian Solar Physics Foundation. She has lead or major roles within several international collaborations. She participates and leads outreach activities.


  • –present
    Post-Doctoral Research Assistant, Department of Physics, Aberystwyth University