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Reader in Upland Agroecology, Aberystwyth University

Dr Mariecia Fraser is Reader in Upland Agroecology and Lead Scientist at the Pwllpeiran Upland Research Centre. Mariecia has a background in animal science and grazing ecology, and has specialised in developing and testing management strategies for upland systems for over 25 years. She has led national and international projects working with a range of animal species (sheep, cattle, goats, ponies, deer, ponies and South American camelids), pasture types (cultivated, improved permanent pasture and semi-natural vegetation communities) and forages (forage legumes, brassicas, pulses and bi-crops), to deliver a variety of outputs (e.g. meat, fibre and ecosystem services). Her current research interests include species and breed differences in diet selection, conservation grazing, greenhouse gas emissions from grazing animals, and the bio-energy potential of semi-natural grasslands.


  • –present
    Reader in Upland Agroecology, Aberystwyth University


  • 1994 
    University of Edinburgh , Grazing ecology