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Research Associate in Immunology, University of Glasgow

I am passionate about science in general but particularly interested in the interactions of viruses and our immune system, and how the immune system can be protective or sometimes damaging.

My PhD on transmission and evolution of drug-resistant HIV-1 was a great translational mix of in vitro and in vivo evolution, drug resistance and lots of patient data. That research was a shared effort of Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam and the University Medical Center Utrecht, and part of ESAR (

During my first postdoctoral project in Glasgow, later in Leeds, I looked at the immune response to viruses spread by mosquitoes, what happens in the bite site, and how these viruses are able to spread through the body.

Currently I am back in Glasgow to look at the immune response and specifically cell migration during virus infection.


  • 2017–present
    Research associate, University of Glasgow
  • 2013–2017
    Postdoctoral research fellow, University of Glasgow / Leeds
  • 2008–2013
    PhD candidate, Erasmus Medical Center / University Medical Center Utrecht

Professional Memberships

  • British Society for Immunology
  • Microbiology Society (UK)