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Lecturer in Victorian Literature, Queen Mary University of London

This is my sixth year at QMUL. Previous to coming here, I taught at UCL, where I completed my doctorate, which contributed to the Leverhulme-funded ‘Bloomsbury Project’. My first book explored the role of fiction in the social production of Bloomsbury between the 1820s and the early twentieth century. I've published essays on a range of other topics and authors, including Charles Dickens, George Crabbe, G. K. Chesterton, and Edith Nesbit. I continue to be interested primarily in the politics of space in the long nineteenth century (which concludes, for me, with the end of laissez-faire in 1945). My current work looks at the representation of spatial contestation in the context of democratisation. I now live in Camberwell, but I was born in Plymouth and lived in Cornwall for my first two decades.

His recent film essay, made with illustrator Alex Brenchley, *Dickens in a Crisis* can be found on Youtube.


  • –present
    Lecturer in Victorian Literature, Queen Mary University of London