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Naomi Nichols

Associate Professor of Sociology and Canada Research Chair (Tier 2), Community-Partnered Social Justice, Trent University

My current program of work synthesizes and expands two key areas of expertise: 1. youth inequality, poverty and social exclusion; and 2. knowledge mobilization and engaged scholarship. Working in partnership with public sector institutions, social mission technologists and community-based organizations, I am seeking to generate a critical body of scholarship and methodological insights to support Canada’s move to embrace data-led governance in its efforts to resolve an emerging national housing and homelessness crisis. Uniquely, the work is guided by an explicit objective to support equitable housing and social outcomes for Canada’s most structurally vulnerable youth – that is, young people (ages 13-24) growing up in poverty without access to stable housing.


  • –present
    Associate Professor of Sociology and Canada Research Chair (Tier 2), Community-Partnered Social Justice , Trent University


  • 2011 
    York University , PhD