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PhD Candidate, Sport Innovation Research Group, Swinburne University of Technology

Olivia is a PhD Student at Swinburne University, specializing in the area of environmental sustainability ("Sport Ecology") and is a part of the Sport Innovation Research Group. Prior to this, Olivia has completed a Bachelor of Science at Nottingham Trent University. Olivia's PhD studies are exploring the role of sport organisations to operate within the planetary boundaries and to take action against climate change. Specifically, she aims to bring together and engage all stakeholders in sport to develop environmental sustainability strategy.

Olivia’s current research interests include social impact through sport, and she has been involved with multiple research projects as a research assistant across a range of topics including sport performance, mental health in sport and sport for development.

Outside of her academic career, Olivia is also working towards a dual career as a researcher and professional soccer player.


  • –present
    PhD Candidate, Sport Innovation Research Group, Swinburne University of Technology


  • 2020 
    Nottingham Trent University , BSc with Honours Sport and Exercise Science