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Lecturer in Sociolinguistics, Queen Mary University of London

Salina Cuddy is a lecturer in sociolinguistics as Queen Mary University of London. Her interests include language variation and change and how it is influenced around gender, sexuality, and sport. She was awarded her PhD in Linguistics from the University of York in 2020 for her thesis researching the concept of a "gay voice" in female British English speakers.

She has previously worked at the University of Sheffield and the University of York. She has taught sociolinguistic modules at every university level and has specialised in Language and Gender modules across multiple universities.

Her current research seeks to expand her study on female sexuality, both in how speakers produce certain features and how listeners may perceive them.


  • –present
    Lecturer in Sociolinguistics, Queen Mary University of London


  • 2020 
    University of York, PhD in Linguistics