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Associate Professor in political geography, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, University of Birmingham

Dr Fregonese is a political geographer with a background in Middle Eastern Studies. Her research is about the relations between geopolitics, security and urban space, and how geopolitical situations and events impact on the everyday life of cities, their built environment and residents. Her particular interests are urban conflict (with a focus on Lebanon) and terrorism (with a focus on Europe).
She is the author of War and The City. Urban Geopolitics in Lebanon (Bloomsbury 2019) and of The Radicals’ City. Urban environment, polarisation, cohesion (Routledge 2016, with Ralf Brand). She is currently the Principal Investigator of the ESRC/ANR/DFG-funded research project Atmospheres of (counter-)terrorism in European cities (2021-2023), a mixed-methods study which explores the felt dimensions of contemporary terror threats and counterterrorism measures in the ordinary experience of cities in Europe.


  • –present
    Birmingham Fellow, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, University of Birmingham


  • 2009 
    Newcastle University, PhD / Geography