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Research Director - Energy Futures, University of Technology Sydney

Dr Scott Dwyer is a Research Director at the Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF), University of Technology Sydney, working on issues relating to the transitioning energy system.

His research interests revolve around the opportunities and challenges posed by disruption in the energy sector, especially those linked to markets, customers, technologies, policy, and business models. He undertakes applied research with its primary aim being to inform policy and practice.

Dr Dwyer has over 15 years’ experience of leading transdisciplinary teams as part of complex, energy-related research projects for the public and private sectors. Over this time he has worked closely with a range of international organisations, including major energy utilities and energy product manufacturers, start-ups, industry associations, and governments.

He has provided guidance on the commercialisation of new products and services to these organisations and leads the institute’s work on customer energy innovation. He advises on a wide range of sustainable energy technologies, including solar, storage, microgrids, fuel cell, hydrogen, and electric vehicles.


  • –present
    Research Principal in Energy Futures, University of Technology Sydney


  • 2010 
    University of Ulster, PhD Engineering (Energy in Buildings)