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Research officer, UNSW Sydney

Stephanie completed her Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) from the University of Wollongong and has five years’ experience in Youth Work. Previously, she worked as a researcher in mental health research for refugees and asylum seekers who have survived torture and trauma, where she assisted in the development of an International New Refugee Assessment Tool.

Stephanie currently works as a research officer for the Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research and Enterprise (SPHERE) Knowledge Translation Strategic Platform. Beyond the work of SPHERE, Stephanie works in the Arts-Based Knowledge Translation (AKT) Lab at the Black Dog Institute, where she coordinates the project, ‘Edge of the Present’, an immersive virtual reality experience designed to cultivate future thinking, in conjunction with The BIG Anxiety: festival of art + science + people. Her area of interest is in the intersection between mental health, virtual reality and gaming.


  • 2019–present
    Research officer, Black Dog Institute