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Postdoctoral Scientist, Australian National University

My current research involves understanding how insects with their tiny brains are able to navigate effectively using the visual information in their environments. This research spans from behavioural experiments, to theoretical work and includes high-speed filming, 3D reconstructions, virtual reality, visual processing, animal tracking, and navigation algorithms.

I also have expertise in animal communication especially alarm signalling, and have experience with recording, acoustic analysis, and playback of signals, as well as animal handling.

I am based at the ANU in Canberra in the department of Ecology and Evolution, and am a member of the Zeil lab. I completed my PhD their with the Magrath lab where I studied the nonvocal signal of the crested pigeon.


  • –present
    Postdoctoral Scientist, Australian National University


  • 2016 
    Australian National University, PhD in Animal Communication