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Dr Vanessa Rohlf completed her honours in psychology after working as a veterinary nurse and then later completed her Ph.D. with a specialisation in psychology at Monash University. It was there she discovered the field of Anthrozoology- the study of human-animal relationships. A field she continues to work in as a Research Fellow in the School of Psychology and Public Health at La Trobe University. She is currently studying how relationships with pets impact on human health and coping during the COVID-19 pandemic. She is also researching ways to enhance the professional quality of life in people who work with animals by finding ways to reduce the risk of burnout in veterinary professionals and animal shelter workers. When at home, she spends her time with her young family including her four legged family member, a Lagotto Romagnolo named Velvet.


  • 2017–2020
    Research Fellow, La Trobe University