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Professor of Biosciences and Head of Research (National Horizons Centre), Teesside University

I lead the multi-disciplinary biosciences research at the new National Horizons Centre and the School of Health and Life Sciences at Teesside University. The overall aim of my research is to understand the biology of lymphoma and other cancers in order to identify biomarkers and develop new treatment strategies to reduce treatment-related toxicity in order to improve outcomes of relapsed/refractory disease. Using a combination of cutting-edge techniques, we are determining the presence, frequency and structure of genetic abnormalities in childhood and adult cancers in the UK, Africa and beyond. We are investigating the clinical importance of these genetic abnormalities by correlating the genetic data with clinical information and investigating the role of these abnormalities in the cancer cell.


  • –present
    Professor of Biosciences and Head of Biosciences Research, Teesside University