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Associate Professor in Sustainable Transitions, University of Birmingham

Dr Yuli Shan is an expert in climate change mitigation and sustainable transitions. His cross-cutting research reveals how human activities affect global emissions and climate change, with applications especially related to cities in emerging economies, which are central to climate change mitigation and emission reductions in the coming decades. His work has investigated the emission patterns and drivers in terms of both production- and consumption-based emissions; explored low-carbon roadmaps for cities at different stages of urbanization and industrialization which provide strong policy support; and simulated the disturbance of specific events (e.g., the pandemic of COVID-19) or policies (e.g., poverty alleviation) on global emissions and inequality as well as the achievement of climate targets. His work has had significant impacts on the academic society as well as broader audiences.

Dr Yuli Shan has published over 100 papers in high-impact journals, such as Nature Climate Change, Nature Sustainability, Nature Geoscience, Nature Food, and Science Advances. His paper has been cited over 8,000 times (h-index 40), and 17 of them are ESI highly cited papers and 13 are ESI hot papers. He has co-built an open emission dataset CEADs (Carbon Emission Accounts and Datasets for emerging economies) to provide the most up-to-date regional emission and energy data for emerging countries and subnational regions. CEADs data has been downloaded by 400,000 times and used in more than 800 journal papers.


  • –present
    Research Fellow, University of Groningen


  • 2018 
    University of East Angia, PhD / Climate Change and International Development