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Enseignante chercheure en sociologie, University Moulay Ismail Meknes

Zhour Bouzidi is a sociologist, agronomist engineer and professor (HDR) of Sociology at the Faculty of Arts and Human sciences Moulay Ismail, Meknes. She is the coordinator of the Master of Sociologie of Change and Innovation (MSCI) at the university of Meknes and a Fellow Researcher at LADYSS, Research Unit on Social Dynamics and Space Recomposition ( University of Paris -Nanterre). She is also member of water network of Paris Ouest University (http://reseaup10.uparis10. fr/ ) and member of the editing committee of Alternatives Rurales journal ( In 2013, Zhour Bouzidi won the Award: “Pierre Massé” “Water and society”, attributed by the French hydrology society (SHF). The prize recognizes innovative research in social sciences applied to the field of water. The main areas of research of Zhour Bouzidi are: water management institutions (surface and groundwater), natural resources management, rural youth, agricultural public policies, actors analysis, collective action, sociotechnical networks, participatory foresight methodologies , agricultural work and gender. On Rural Youth, Zhour Bouzidi published articles and co-.coordinated a special issue on rural youth for Rural Alternatives journal. She is currently coordinating a research project on agricultural work involving young rural women.Zhour Bouzidi is the coordinator of the case study -Morocco for the H2020 Medreset project. She is in charge of the workpackage 5 Water and agriculture for Medeset - Case of Morocco. About Women Work in agricultural sector , Zhour Bouzidi coordonate 2 research projects.


  • –present
    Professor of sociology , University Moulay Ismail


  • 2012 
    Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense , Doctorat en Sociologie
  • 2007 
    AgroParisTech, MNHN, Master de recherche
  • 2006 
    Ecole Nationale d'Agriculture de Meknès , Ingénieur agronome


Prix Pierre Massé EAU et société décerné par la société Hydro-technique de France SHF