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Arts + Culture – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 4876 - 4880 of 4880 articles

Day 36 in the Big Brother huset and herring supplies are running low. laggyluke

Could Norway’s boring TV be your next audiovisual addiction?

There is reality TV, and there is reality TV Norwegian style. The reality of life in Norway is that events take a long time and unfold very slowly. Norway is a country with a population of barely five…
Copyright is changing. Some are yet to catch on. eddiedangerous

MPs have missed the mark in attacking copyright reform

The House of Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee set out some fairly strong views last week about how its members think the UK should approach copyright reform. I have an interest to declare in…
Some readers might find this image distressing, and so they should. Soggydan

Cute slow loris videos should come with a health warning

There’s no doubt the slow loris is a cuddly cutie from central casting. It is an animal that could easily have been dreamed up in the studios of the Disney Corporation of the 1950s and I’m afraid that…