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Health – Articles, Analysis, Opinion

Displaying 1576 - 1600 of 2721 articles

Pres. Trump speaking on Aug. 5, 2019 about the mass shootings in El Paso, Tex. and Dayton, Ohio. Evan Vucci/AP Photo

Guns and mental illness: A psychiatrist explains the complexities

President Trump called for better identification of people with mental illness as a way to stop gun violence and mass shootings. A psychiatrist offers his take on the president’s stance.
Health care has become a major talking point in the 2020 election. Aaron P. Bernstein/Reuters

US health care: An industry too big to fail

Presidential candidates have been proposing plans to expand health coverage, lower prescription drug costs and make hospital bills more transparent. But few get to the real problem. Here’s why.
What are the differences between planned assisted childbirth with midwife at home versus delivery with obstetrician at a hospital? M-SUR/

Home birth may start babies off with health-promoting microbes

Evidence suggests that microbes play a vital role in health. But what microbes we get depends whether we were born in a hospital versus at home. That could impact our health decades later.
Science can help you decide which diet works best for you. wavebreakmedia/

Confused about what to eat? Science can help

‘Why is nutrition so confusing?’ is a common lament, but the truth is out there. Forget fad diets and media hype. It’s time to harness the power of science to create a healthy and sustainable diet.
Dogs often react with great fear to July 4th celebrations. Border collies such as this dog are especially sensitive to loud noises. Leigh Prather/

Every dog has its day, but it’s not the Fourth of July

Millions of Americans love the fireworks on July 4, but millions of dogs will tremble in fear. A vet explains the causes and solutions to this doggie dilemma.
A new study on consciousness could help answer the question"will they ever wake up?“ create jobs 51/

Will they ever wake up? New study on consciousness after brain injury shows ‘maybe’

Consciousness has long been debated, particularly in the decades since devices have been used to keep people alive after brain injury. A new study suggests that some people can “wake up” after injury.