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Articles on Autism spectrum disorder

Displaying 81 - 90 of 90 articles

Early identification and behavioural intervention is the best way to minimise the effects of autism. Image from

Mums and dads, don’t ignore the early signs of autism

When a newborn joins a family we become beguiled by the perfection of this wondrous new being. Any hint of difference is easily overlooked during the early years. We now understand that the onset of symptoms…
The study found a link between maternal folic acid consumption and lower autism risk but stopped short of saying supplements caused the reduced risk.

Folic acid in pregnancy linked with reduced autism risk

A new study has linked folic acid supplements in pregnancy with a 39% lower risk of autistic disorder in the offspring but experts have urged caution in interpreting the results. Doctors have long recommended…
Using objects like Lego for the purpose for which they were designed was a key clue, the study found.

Study reveals autism treatment clues

Young autistic children who can spontaneously imitate adults and use objects in a functional way may be more likely to respond well to a therapy called the Early Start Denver Model, new research shows…
Exposure to traffic-related air particles during pregnancy and the first year of life was linked with a higher risk of autism, the study found.

Study links traffic pollution and autism

Exposure to traffic pollution while in the womb and the first year of life may be associated with a higher risk of autism, a US study has found. Autism Spectrum Disorder has a variety of symptoms including…
Overall, there will be fewer symptoms and disorders listed in the new psychiatry manual. Axel Buhrmann

Redefining autism in the DSM-5

MATTERS OF THE MIND – a series which examines the clinician’s bible for diagnosing mental disorders, the DSM, and the controversy surrounding the forthcoming fifth edition. For autistic people and their…
Most children with autism want friends but social graces don’t come naturally. Flickr/mikebaird

Five myths about autism

As knowledge and awareness of autism grows in the community, so do the myths. Autism is currently diagnosed according to behaviours which fit into three broad areas: social difficulties, communication…
In the absence of clear biological markers for autism, the DSM will remain a hugely influential book well into the 21st century. Richard Masoner/Wikimedia Commons

DSM-V and the changing fortunes of autism and related disorders

The DSM giveth, and the DSM taketh away - this is the less-than-complimentary sentiment of many people within the autism community as the clock ticks down to the publication of the most eagerly-anticipated…

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