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David Trembath

Professor of Speech Pathology, Menzies Health Institute Queensland, Griffith University

David Trembath is Professor of Speech Pathology at Griffith University and Honorary Research Fellow at CliniKids, Telethon Kids Institute. His human rights based research is focused on optimising the learning, participation, and wellbeing of children with neurodevelopmental disability through the delivery of safe, effective, and desirable services and supports.


  • 2019–present
    Associate Professor, Griffith University
  • 2014–2018
    NHMRC ECR Fellow, Griffith University
  • 2013–2014
    Senior Lecturer, Griffith University
  • 2010–2013
    Postdoctoral research fellow, Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre, La Trobe University
  • 2006–2009
    Lecturer, University of Sydney
  • 2004–2006
    Speech Pathologist and Clinical Educator, University of Sydney
  • 2002–2004
    Speech Pathologist, Autism Association of New South Wales


  • 2010 
    University of Sydney, PhD
  • 2006 
    University of Sydney, Master of Applied Science (Research)
  • 2002 
    University of Sydney, Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology)

Professional Memberships

  • Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist