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Articles on Barnaby Joyce

Displaying 201 - 220 of 224 articles

Barnaby Joyce will replace Warren Truss as Nationals leader and deputy prime minister. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Truss out, Joyce in – what next for the Nationals?

Under new leader Barnaby Joyce, the Nationals – the most-successful minor party in Australia’s political history – will pretty much continue to be treated as the Akubra wing of the Liberals.
Warren Truss’ exit from the Nationals’ leadership will clear the way for Barnaby Joyce to take over as deputy prime minister. Lukas Coch/AAP

Nationals need to avoid the Truss timetable creating leadership vacuum

A new dynamic is coming to the Turnbull government with Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss finally set to announce on Thursday that he will quit the Nationals leadership, ahead of retiring at the election…
The succession weighs on the mind of the cautious Warren Truss as he contemplates his future. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Jostling underway in Nationals for post-Truss era

A rather arcane argument this week about responsibility for water in his government might have given Malcolm Turnbull cause for pause.
The Murray-Darling: a complex river system with a complex set of regulations to match. AAP Image/Caroline Duncan Photography

Giving water policy to the Nationals could trigger a logjam of bureaucracy

Water isn’t straightforward. And by putting the Nationals in charge of policy for water assets like the Murray-Darling Basin, the government will trigger a complex round of bureaucratic musical chairs.
The governments’s proposed new labelling system doesn’t allow for clear statements about where food comes from if it’s not Australian. Cascadian Farm/Flickr

Government’s proposed country-of-origin labels leave you to guess where your food comes from

The new country-of-origin labels are supposed to change a confusing system that led to public outrage about hepatitis infections from frozen berries earlier this year. They fall considerably short.
Barnaby Joyce has been outspoken in opposition to a government decision to build a coal mine in his electorate of New England. AAP/Lukas Coch

Joyce breaks cabinet rules, but his fate is PM’s call

Collective responsibility – or cabinet solidarity – is an axiom of political prudence that has mutated into a constitutional convention of how ministers should behave.
Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce has written to the Baird government in a last-ditch effort to try to stop the state licence needed for the Shenhua mine. AAP/Lukas Coch

Existing mine’s water issue shows danger of Shenhua project: Joyce

Barnaby Joyce says existing mining activity near the proposed Shenhua Watermark mine in his New England electorate has breached the aquifer, indicating the same is likely to happen with the new project.
Bill Shorten has emerged from the royal commission with wounds that are not mortal for his leadership but serious enough to set it back. AAP/David Moir

Grattan on Friday: Abbott’s lucky to have a damaged Shorten

Bill Shorten’s appearance at the royal commission has not only damaged him but diverted a good deal of attention from the signs of division and tension at senior levels of the Abbott government.
Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull is unsure if he will be able to appear on Q&A, after Tony Abbott banned ministers from appearing on the program. AAP/Stefan Postles

Abbott leaves Turnbull in Q&A limbo

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has continued the retribution against Q&A beyond what had seemed agreed within government last week, when it was thought enough had been done.
The Nationals – of whom Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce is deputy leader – have been agitated at the strong power of Coles and Woolworths to beat down prices of suppliers. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Government to beef up ACCC to assist farmers

Farmers will get some extra help in the battle against the supermarket chains in the government’s long-awaited White Paper on Agricultural Competitiveness released on Saturday.
Speaker Bronwyn Bishop ruled out of order a question to Prime Minister Tony Abbott, from Labor frontbencher Joel Fitzgibbon. AAP/Lukas Coch

Bishop stops questioning about Joyce’s intervention in Rinehart case

Speaker Bronwyn Bishop cut off a Labor attempt to question Tony Abbott about Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce’s intervention in the court case between Gina Rinehart and her children.
The story of Johnny Depp’s dogs and their potential fate attracted global media attention. AAP/Dave Hunt

Johnny Depp’s dogs show evolving ideas of animal ‘citizenship’

Behind the uproar over Johnny Depp’s dogs lies a serious and evolving idea: our animal companions have an important place in our lives that entitles them to rights akin to a sort of citizenship.
The Ord River dam, completed in 1971, formed Australia’s largest artificial lake in the far north west. Graeme Churchard/Flickr

Dams are not the smart way to secure water for agriculture

Some 27 irrigation and dam projects are highlighted in the green paper for agricultural competitiveness released this week by agriculture minister Barnaby Joyce. Six of the projects – five in Tasmania…
After a tip-off from an Egyptian vet, Animals Australia sparked a government investigation into what an industry leader described as “horrific” slaughtering practices in Egypt last year. Tougher rules have now been promised. Animals Australia

Live animal export rules are useless without enforcement

Australia looks set to resume exporting live sheep to Iran, after Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce this week flagged the end of a 40-year ban following Iran’s Islamic revolution. Flanked by the chief…

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