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Articles on China

Displaying 2401 - 2420 of 2596 articles

Thick haze has shrouded Shanghai for the past week, in the latest instance of extreme air pollution. Wikimediacommons/Galaxyharrylion

Shanghai’s ‘airpocalypse’: can China fix its deadly pollution?

The current “airpocolypse” emergency in Shanghai - which has seen schoolchildren ordered indoors to protect them from the polluted air, flights grounded and companies ordered to cut production - comes…
At ease: Indian soldiers deployed at the 2010 Commonwealth Games. John Giles/PA

West fears the rise of some countries more than others

When a highly populous, rapidly developing, nuclear armed, space-voyaging and increasingly assertive Asian nation announces the purchase of its third aircraft carrier, a few months after launching its…
Affordable housing in China is usually clustered into fenced housing estates of 1000 to 4000 dwelling units. Rebecca L.H. Chiu

China plans 36 million affordable homes: lessons for Australia

The sudden dismissal of Australia’s National Housing Supply Council last month suggests we may be entering a new housing policy vacuum. This is bad news for aspiring first home buyers, whose numbers have…
China has aspirations to become a green/low-carbon country, but significant reform is required.

All change: China’s reform agenda shuns growth at any cost

Last month Chinese leader Xi Jinping set out his top reform agendas for China’s next decade, setting out important policies, ranging from political reforms, social policy and market reform, to a commitment…
One more in the sky, this time on a grey rock. Xinhua

Prestige and one-upmanship fuel China’s lunar rover

Earlier this week China launched one of its venerable Long March rockets. That event in itself is no longer news as China has become one of the world’s busiest and most reliable providers of satellite…
Burberry if facing a trademark fight in China after failing to use its traditional Haymarket tartan in handbags for more than three years. vampirex/Flickr

Burberry’s China trademark threat a handbag war worth fighting

Burberry’s iconic Haymarket check tartan pattern is under threat following a trademark dispute in China. Local fashion manufacturer Polo Santa Roberta successfully applied to have the Burberry trademark…
What has the international response been to China establishing an Air Defence Identification Zone over the East China Sea? EPA/Hiroya Shimoji

China’s ADIZ and Australia’s commitment to America’s Asian order

Last week, China announced the creation of a new Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) over the East China Sea, encompassing the disputed Senkaku Islands. The move has significantly escalated tensions…
All parties are posturing for influence. Fotopedia

More than a neighbourly dispute awaits Joe Biden in Asia

US Vice President Joe Biden’s trip to Asia next week could not come at a more timely moment. It is the first high level visit since President Obama cancelled his trip during the government shutdown in…
Making an emissions market work in China will be entirely different to making one work in the west. Dai Luo

How will China’s carbon markets work in a non-market economy?

This week, China will launch the pilots of its Beijing and Shanghai emmissions trading schemes. But the operating environment for these schemes will be vastly different to that in Australia or the European…
China’s one-child policy, however controversial, should be given some of the credit for positive outcomes such as rising levels of education. EPA/Diego Azubel

The costs and benefits of China’s one-child policy

The recent announcement that China’s one-child policy will be partially relaxed will be celebrated worldwide by libertarians, human rights activists and, most importantly, Chinese couples who have longed…
Former NBA player Yao Ming is pictured on a billboard in China, endorsing an anti-shark fin campaign. Mike Fabinyi

Shark fin drops off the menu, conservationists claim victory

In recent times, China has witnessed a series of campaigns aimed at persuading people to stop eating shark fin soup. So it is encouraging that, over the past year, shark fin consumption appears to have…
Trouble brewing for China? Eugene Hoshiko/AP

Timid reforms won’t save China from major growth crunch

China’s rapid economic growth, and the development of Shanghai, Chongqing, and Shenzen into modern metropolises, might easily give observers the sense of a successful country, full of confidence. Clearly…
Out and about: Xi Jinping deploying soft power on a trip to Ireland. PA

Third Plenum sets out tentative program for change in China

The Chinese leadership transition last year, with Hu Jintao handing over to Xi Jinping, finally laid to rest Deng Xiaoping’s long-running maxim that China should “keep a low profile and hide its brightness…
From China to the world: Chinese companies have relied on business-to-business sales, and haven’t developed well-known brands. EPA/Adrian Bradshaw

Manufacturing powerhouse China lagging on brand awareness

China manufactures an enormous amount of consumer goods. Its value to the global economy is estimated to be around US$7 trillion. But stigmatised as low cost, low quality products, Chinese brands have…
Five Uyghur suspects have been detained in relation to a Tiananmen Square incident earlier this month. What do we know about the ethnic minority? Weibo/@jing_oppa

Ethnic violence and the rise of Uyghur tensions in China

Flash occurrences of ethnic violence are on the rise in China. Last month, five Uyghur suspects were detained in connection with a car explosion in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square, which claimed the lives of…
What is the best trade option for Australia’s future? AAP/Alex Ibanez

Multilateral, regional, bilateral: which agreement is best?

One of the first acts of Tony Abbott’s government was to declare it intended to “embrace free trade” in its first term in office. Calling the trade minister Australia’s “ambassador for jobs”, the Coalition…
The Three Gorges Dam has changed the lives of millions - not always for the better. Greg Baker/AP

Chinese hydropower electrifies southeast Asia, but at a cost

China is the world’s largest energy consumer, its ferocious industrial expansion and urbanisation driving a demand for electricity that has risen 10% in a single year between September 2012-13. This has…

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