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Articles on Conservatives

Displaying 81 - 100 of 144 articles

President Donald Trump with televangelist Rev. Pat Robertson. AP Photo/Steve Helber

How Christian media is shaping American politics

In recent years, Christian television has moved into news and politics. A scholar explains its impact on beliefs and on politics.
Members of the tea party movement seen rallying outside the Capitol in 2013. AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

The real IRS scandal has more to do with budget cuts than bias

The tax agency, as it happens, singled out both conservative and liberal groups seeking tax-exempt status for extra scrutiny. But the myth that it picked on the tea party movement hasn’t gone away.
Ontario Conservative leadership candidate Patrick Brown addresses supporters in Toronto on Feb. 18. The former party leader resigned his position after sexual misconduct allegations, only to re-enter the race for his vacated position after refuting the allegations. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young

Chaos and confusion for Ontario’s Conservatives

The Ontario PCs are reeling from the fallout of Patrick Brown’s removal as leader in January and his subsequent return to the leadership race. Can the party pull it together in time for the June vote?
A new study reveals that students gain an appreciation for views across the political spectrum during their first year in college.

Does college turn people into liberals?

Despite claims that college turns students liberal, a new study reveals that students gain more appreciation for both liberal and conservative views during their freshman year.

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