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Articles on Democrats

Displaying 181 - 200 of 250 articles

Ted Cruz held off a spirited challenge from Democratic candidate Beto O'Rourke to help the Republicans hold onto the Senate in a big night for the GOP. Michael Wyke/EPA

The US midterms show the power of Trump’s divisive messages

Key victories by pro-Trump, anti-immigrant candidates have confirmed the president’s hold on the Republican Party and his ability to turn out his conservative base.
California’s Katie Porter, seen here with Democratic candidates and former president Barack Obama, is one of just three first-time female congressional candidates in California. AP Photo/Ringo H.W. Chiu

Female candidates running in record numbers for the midterms — just not in California

A record number of women are poised to win public office in 2018. But don’t look to California for help shifting the gender balance in Congress during the ‘year of the woman.’
With the Democrats favoured to win back the House of Representatives in the midterm elections, that makes impeachment of Trump more likely, right? Shawn Thew/EPA

Calculating the odds of a Trump impeachment: don’t bet the house on it

If the Democrats get close to retaking the House of Representatives in the midterm elections, the odds of impeachment are high. But the Senate remains problematic.
Millennials are not into the ‘We are the greatest country’ idea. Shutterstock

Millennials are so over US domination of world affairs

Millennials are less inclined than older Americans to intervene abroad, maintain superior military power or believe the US is an exceptional nation. What does that mean for the country’s future?
Bipartisan laughter: Eisenhower with GOP Sen. William Knowland and Democratic Sen. Lyndon Johnson.

Will the United States ever get back on a bipartisan ‘Middle Way?’

The current period of partisan division in the US isn’t unique. We can learn from past President Dwight Eisenhower on how to leave bitterness behind and get back to what he called the “Middle Way.”

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