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Articles on Democrats

Displaying 161 - 180 of 250 articles

Mueller testifies before the House Intelligence Committee. Reuters/Alex Brandon

The Mueller hearing and the death of facts

To one scholar of the post-truth era, tuning in to Robert Mueller’s testimony Wednesday was to hear a duel over the facts. Not what the facts imply – but what the facts are.
The leading Democratic candidates to take on Trump (clockwise from top left corner): Pete Buttigieg, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. AAP/The Conversation

Two dozen candidates, one big target: in a crowded Democratic field, who can beat Trump?

There’s one reason the US Democratic presidential field is so crowded – a belief Trump can be beaten. Here’s a closer look at the five leading candidates.
The Supreme Court is empty days before the justices vote to on the U.S. gerrymandering case. AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

After Supreme Court decision, gerrymandering fix is up to voters

The Supreme Court has issued what’s likely to be its final word on partisan gerrymandering, saying it’s a political issue, not a legal one. That means reform lies in the hands of voters.
Ilhan Omar, a newly elected Democratic congresswoman from Minnesota, joins other Democrats during a news conference in Washington on Jan. 4 about the introduction of the ‘For the People’ Act. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

The urgent need for Democrats to embrace progressive policies

The Democratic party needs a revised image, grounded in a new reality, that will address basic issues of inequality, access and fairness.
An anti-abortion advocate in Jackson, Mississippi, March 2018. AP/Rogelio V. Solis

Who’s more compassionate, Republicans or Democrats?

Are Democrats or Republicans more caring about others? One study of the role compassion plays in politics provides some surprising answers. And then there were the outliers: Trump voters.
GOP President Ronald Reagan and Democratic House Speaker Tip O'Neill at the April, 1983 signing of bipartisan social security legislation. AP/Barry Thumma

Congress used to pass bipartisan legislation – will it ever again?

Most Congresses since the 1970s have passed more than 500 laws, ranging from nuclear disarmament to deficit reduction. Will today’s bitter partisanship hamstring the new Congress’ productivity?
A Honduran migrant lies on a riverbank as Mexican police move away from tear gas fired by U.S. agents at the Mexico-U.S. border in Tijuana, Mexico, on Nov. 25, 2018. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)

Donald Trump’s populism preys upon collective anxieties

President Donald Trump’s deployment of inflammatory rhetoric about immigration is now in action. Here’s why Canadians should be alarmed by populism that preys upon people’s insecurities.

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