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Articles on Facebook

Displaying 821 - 840 of 1009 articles

Esenna O'Neill’s dramatic departure from YouTube and Instragram was precipitated by her feelings of inauthenticity. Vimeo

When authenticity and advertising collide on social media

Essena O'Neill’s dramatic rejection of her successful social media channels raises important questions about how advertising and sponsored posts are regulated on social media.
Has Facebook found a potential new business venture? Flickr/Franklin Heijnen

It’s back to school for Facebook, and it’s personal

The social network giant is developing new software that could be used to help personalise learning in schools. It’s a move that should have some worried they could lose business.
Reports suggest President Xi will meet with US tech leaders this week. Will that overshadow his meeting with President Obama? Reuters

Why the US has little to fear from Chinese leaders meeting with tech titans

While the timing of the planned forum is not ideal, it continues a long tradition of Chinese leaders engaging with US tech leaders and may prove beneficial to overall relations.
Yes, libraries have a place and function - but academics and researchers can get along just fine without them. REUTERS/Ralph Orlowski

How good librarians have made themselves obsolete to some users

Libraries are warm, dry and safe spaces with free Internet, which many people need. But academics and researchers in the 21st century can get along very well without them.
Dire predictions on the future of children’s brains are shocking, not least because of how flimsy the evidence is to support these views.

Don’t panic, the internet won’t rot children’s brains

Baseless claims about the damage done to kids’ development create needless panic. And they distract from legitimate, evidence-based concerns with which parents need to engage.

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