By 2050, 235 million people in Africa over the age of 60 will be affected by heatwaves, floods and drought. Governments must develop special plans for older people to adapt to climate change.
We examined how households in Victoria cope with, adapt to and endure summer heatwaves. Most took a short-term view. A more sophisticated, long-term approach to managing heatwaves is needed.
Heat-related deaths are increasing. People at greatest risk in extreme heat include older people, those with chronic conditions and those without air conditioning.
Contrary to popular belief, new research shows the abrupt, often gale force wind changes known as “southerly busters” are becoming more frequent, but less severe, as the climate changes.
Here’s how to reduce heat-related health risks during major sporting events, from the Summer Olympics to test cricket. Athletes, officials, spectators and volunteers all need to take responsibility.
A record-breaking heatwave hit Delhi this week, hot on the heels of heat in Asia and Africa. Australians take note, we are not safe here. We need to prepare for heat to hit us just as hard.
From special paving to green walls, the recent Cool Towns project highlights the best ways to protect urban areas, and the people living there, from the effects of heatwaves.
The University of Cape Town’s new report on the impacts of climate change in South Africa found that heatwaves and water stress will affect jobs, deepen inequality, and increase gender-based violence.
Our tallest trees are world champions when it comes to capturing and storing carbon, but they don’t like the heat. Climate change will trigger mass tree deaths in Tasmania. Here’s what can be done.
Climate change is increasing the risks of extreme heat, floods and bushfires, meaning more people are having to consider moving home. But different people come to different decisions.
While running it briefly and intermittently at a very low temperature may feel thrifty, it will not be the most energy efficient choice. Here’s what to do instead.
Professor - Environment, Climate and Global Health at Melbourne Climate Futures and Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne, The University of Melbourne