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Articles on Housing

Displaying 801 - 820 of 835 articles

Desolation: why are all these houses empty? Peter Byrne/PA

Reach out to owners to fill Britain’s empty homes

London is about to experience a residential building boom the like of which the capital hasn’t experienced in decades. According to a report from New London Architecture there are more than 230 new high-rise…
Greenfield land developments have trumped urban growth boundaries in many Australian cities. Joe Castro/AAP

Back to the drawing board for Australian urban planning

State government attempts to redirect development from urban fringes to established urban areas have failed. New deregulated planning systems, not strategic metropolitan plans, are driving development…
The vision for a “Global Sydney” overshadows the need for affordable housing in the city. James Morgan/AAP

Sydney’s ‘global’ vision bad news for local housing affordability

The forecast is grim for housing affordability in Sydney, according to a recent government briefing paper. In the last decade median rent for all properties in the inner ring of Sydney more than doubled…
Research shows ageing will affect house prices, with interesting results. Dan Peled/AAP

How Australia’s ageing population could push house prices down

Despite talk of a housing bubble in Australia, house prices have been flat in real terms over the past six years since the pre-financial crisis peak in December 2007. The weighted average of established…
Australians of all ages are lining up to tap the equity in their home, but as a policy solution for welfare it comes with many risks. Julian Smith/AAP

Your home as an ‘ATM’: home equity a risky welfare tool

Perceptions of the family home have changed dramatically in recent years. Once viewed as a tool to ensure low housing costs in old age, a more complex and wide-ranging welfare role for home ownership has…
Under the current tax regime, investors and cashed up owner occupiers are bidding up the cost of housing. Dean Lewins/AAP

Explainer: why negative gearing is bad policy

In an ideal (and economically efficient) world, tax policy would not influence the investment or consumption choices taxpayers make. In reality, this neutrality is rarely achieved. External factors influence…
Losing access to public housing has emerged as a major concern for Aboriginal Victorians. - taken by densil

How fear and funding undercut a fair go for Indigenous Victorians

Imagine being the mother of a young autistic boy, whose violent outbursts had caused $30,000 of damage to your rented home - but being too afraid to ask anyone for help for fear of having your son taken…
No new homes up there, Boris. Stefan Rousseau/PA

Boris’s housing plan needs the rest of us to feed the beast

London’s population is increasing rapidly and forecasts say this growth is set to continue over the next decade and more. However, the last time the capital had enough new houses to match this rate of…
Sometimes the best plans aren’t enough. Ben Birchall/PA

Overhaul the planning system to boost building of better homes

As a planning academic you might think that I get heavily involved in the planning system – commenting on draft development plans, or objecting to proposed developments – but actually I tend to steer clear…
Even tiny houses are worth a lot these days. Images_of_Money

Barratt profits as houses shrink, but don’t blame the builder

Bosses at Barratt Developments, the UK’s largest housebuilder, could be forgiven for awarding themselves a pat on the back at the company’s AGM today. Advance sales are up 47%, aided by the government’s…
Renting attracts the lowest share of benefits from government housing policies, AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Housing benefits flow to homeowners and the wealthy, but renters miss out

Government housing policies overwhelmingly favour home owners over renters, according to a new report compiled by the Grattan Institute. And scaling back government support would do little to impact home…
I say, look at the size of this larder. Oli Scarff/PA

Help to Buy is a problem for UK banks, by default

Mortgage rates for the government’s Help to Buy scheme were announced yesterday amid the usual torrent of criticism for a policy that has very few friends. One Daily Telegraph commentator deemed the policy…
Just 199,000 to go. Rui Vieira/PA

Miliband’s housing promises reflect an escalating crisis

The commentariat has gone into overdrive in the wake of Ed Miliband’s speech to the Labour party conference. Does it represent, at last, the shattering of the neoliberal consensus? Is it the articulation…
Houses should be homes, not assets. Chris Radburn/PA

House prices need to be stabilised, not capped

Amid all the noise around UK housing policy, it is worth taking a step back and asking a deeper question about our property market. Yes, another bubble would be damaging for the UK economy and especially…
Yesterday’s early start to the bushfire season threatened homes in Sydney’s suburbs. AAP Image/Dean Lewins

Fire and flood: how home insurance can help us adapt to climate change

Australia is a harsh and volatile environment, subject to extremes of fire and flood. We’ve just seen a particularly early start to the bushfire season, with over 60 fires burning and at least two homes…
Bricks and mortar, yes, but how much insulation under the tiles? Rui Vieira/PA

Plugging 25 million leaky houses is no small task

The UK has some of the oldest – and leakiest – housing stock in the western world. The vast majority of it will still be standing in 2050, the year by which the government has set itself a target to cut…

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