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Articles on Language

Displaying 341 - 360 of 715 articles

In their early years, children have the ability to accurately produce all sounds of all languages, to mimic a near-perfect accent, which makes it an optimal time for learning a second language. Shutterstock

Learning languages early is key to making Australia more multilingual

Learning languages early makes multilingualism “normal” in classrooms and playgrounds, and builds curiosity and even modest mastery.
“Aitch” or “Haitch”? It’s long been a point of contestation among English speakers. Felicity Burke/The Conversastion with apologies to Dr. Suess

Haitch or aitch? How a humble letter was held hostage by historical haughtiness

An unspoken class war has long been waged around the pronounciation of the letter “h” - is it haitch or aitch? Despite a snobbish leaning to the latter, haitch makes more sense.
Roseanne Barr had her sitcom canceled on May 29, after calling former Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett the child of an ape. Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP, File

The slippery slope of dehumanizing language

Dehumanizing insults have become more common in political discourse. Psychology research has shown that they can prime us for violence – and even change our brains.

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