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Articles on Microbes

Displaying 161 - 175 of 175 articles

Understanding microbial activity in rhizosphere – the critical zone where plant roots, microbes and minerals interface – is critical to promoting plant health. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Tapping the ‘plant microbiome’ to improve farming and plant health

People are increasingly aware of the link between the trillions of microbes that live within our bodies and human health. Studies have found that a healthy population of bacteria, or a microbiome, in a…
Soon to be grown for ornamental use only. Mark Nesbitt and Samuel Delwen

Microbial factories could produce locally brewed painkillers

The past few decades have seen enormous progress being made in synthetic biology – the idea that simple biological parts can be tweaked to do our bidding. One of the main targets has been hacking the biological…
The more the merrier. NIAID

Education, breastfeeding and gender affect the microbes on our bodies

Trillions of microbes live in and on our body. We don’t yet fully understand how these microbial ecosystems develop or the full extent to which they influence our health. Some provide essential nutrients…
The make up of a person’s gut bacteria changes when they develop Crohn’s disease. Ohmega1982/Shutterstock

Good vs bad bacteria: the bugs responsible for Crohn’s disease

New links between the bacteria in your gut and disease are being made almost daily. We know, for instance, that the microbial communities residing in your intestines have a role in your mood and levels…
Tiny fragments of plastic, upon each of which balances a miniature world of microbial life. Marilou Maglione/SEA

Welcome to The Plastisphere: ocean-going microbes on vessels of plastic

The amount of plastic debris accumulating in the open ocean has doubled in 40 years. This has been is a topic of increasing public concern and scientific interest since it was first reported in the 1970s…
It’s not just oil that these rigs extract. Sometimes they reveal life quite alien to us. Nepenthes

Microbes living deep under the sea reveal the extremes of life

Over the past 20 years, research has revealed large populations of creatures living many miles below the Earth’s surface. Now, a new study published in the journal Nature Scientific Reports conducted by…

Deep-sea microbes thrive under pressure

Microbes have been found thriving in even the deepest spot on the ocean floor. Research found the Mariana trench, nearly…

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